Your essential guide to employment practice, labour law and the industry's agreements
The only authentic, complete and up-to-date guide to employment practice and labour law in the South African road freight industry, this no-nonsense guide, is a must for transport operators big and small, from local couriers to long haulage contractors
as well as earthmoving contractors. The agreements also affect businesses involved in related distribution activities such as warehousing, receiving, unpacking, packing and despatching. It is also of interest to trade union representatives and puts an immense mass of information into an easy-to-understand and practical format.
Neatly laid out and styled for easy use and reading, this friendly format, coil bound book opens completely flat. Thoroughly indexed and cross-referenced, yet light and small enough to carry in your briefcase, it is essential for those who work both in and out of the office.
Originally compiled as the Road Freight Industry Employers' Digest in 1999, it combines in one publication, all the industry's Agreements in full and is also the most convenient way of complying with Section 204 of the Labour Relations Act, and Clause 52 of the Main Agreement which say that employers must keep copies of collective agreements on their premises and to make them available to employees. Published annually, it provides updated text of all the Agreements and is an indispensable source of reference for employers and unions.
Chapter 1 serves as a guide and is a general outline presented in a concise, easy to understand, manner. It is a useful first point of reference, leading the reader to more detailed information contained in other sections. It deals with:
Road traffic law
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Compensation of Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act
Employment Equity Act
Labour Relations Act
Basic Conditions of Employment Act
The Skills Development Act and Skills Levies Act
Who is affected?
Sub contracting
Job descriptions/categories
Minimum wages
Across the board Increases
Part-time employees
Relief employees (casuals)
Subsistence and cross border allowance allowance
Overtime pay
Sunday pay
Public holiday work
Night work
Incentive/peace work
Dangerous goods drivers
Calculation of wages
Uniforms and protective clothing
Deductions from pay
Short time
Maximum permissible normal hours
Maximum overtime
Regulated driving hours
Meal breaks
Ten minute break
Weekly off-duty periods
Off-duty time between shifts
Scheduling shift periods
Driving at night
How far can you can go
Annual leave
Sick leave
Maternity leave
Parental leave
Public holidays
Family responsibility leave
Study leave
Contract of employment (including an example)
Addendums to the contract (including an example)
Pofessional driving permits
Summary of labour law Acts to be displayed
Copy of collective agreements to be kept
Time and wage register
Pay slip
Certificate of service
Training levy returns
Driver’s daily log and vehicle check
Bargaining Council
Lettering on vehicles
Training levy
Monthly returns to the Bargaining Council
Notice period
Payment in lieu of notice
Grounds for dismissal
Disciplinary procedure
Unfair dismissal
Probationary periods
Severance pay
Powers of agents of the Bargaining Council.
Chapters 2 to 5 contain the Main Agreement, the Agency Shop Agreement, the Exemptions and Dispute Resolution Agreement and the Provident Fund Agreement.