Ken Ramsden 1942 - 2018
Founder - Foresight Publications
Ken Ramsden was a graduate member of the UK Institute of the Motor Industry and lectured in motor vehicle technology to City and Guilds students in the UK before emigrating to South Africa. Following a career in the printing industry as a marketing manager, he launched Foresight Publications in 1978 with Fleet Management Digest, the publishing rights of which were sold to legal publishers, Lexis Nexis, in 2000.
Ken was an icon in the transport industry and will be sorely missed by all.
Kim Minnie (Director)
Sales and Customer Service
Kim Minnie joined Foresight Publications in 2001 to assist in establishing and promoting an extended product range.
Kim was registered as Director with the company's registration as a (Pty)Ltd in 2021.
Marius Minnie
Sales, Customer Service, Editor
Marius Minnie joined Foresight Publications in 2018 and is responsible for updating of existing publications and expanding the product range.
Kelly Ramsden
Kelly Ramsden joined the team in 2004 and is responsible for quality control and stock control.