Roadworthy Handbook 2012

  • Model: RWHB

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The practical vehicle inspection manual If it's not roadworthy - it's not insured
If you have a vehicle that is not roadworthy in every respect, then you are throwing money away in insurance premiums. In the event of an accident, a claim may be repudiated, even if the unroadworthy condition did not contribute in any way to the cause of the accident.

Demystifies SANS 10047
This 210-page authentic reference source for the official roadworthy inspection takes the mystery out of SANS 10047, covering the entire test. Extremely user-friendly, with inspection titles boldly displayed at the top of the page along with the inspection reference number, the pages are packed with explanatory diagrams and tables summarising requirements, at a glance. The effective use of colour, a detailed index and thorough cross-referencing helps navigation, quickly locating inspections, appropriate regulations and relevant SANS standards.

A must-have publication
Originally published in loose leaf form, as the Roadworthy Manual for Goods Vehicles & Buses, this compact publication is bang up-to-date, and now includes test criteria for all motor vehicles, from motor cycles to 55 tonne interlinks. Amazingly simple to use, it opens completely flat and has numerous extras making it a must-have for

  • Fleet operators
  • Vehicle manufacturers
  • Vehicle dealers
  • Vehicle workshops
  • Trailer builders
  • Bus body builders
  • Vehicle test stations
  • Provincial and municipal traffic officials
  • Insurers and assessors

Its unique three-column approach promotes a fuller understanding of complex requirements. The first column covers the application, identifying which vehicles are subject to which requirements and which are exempt. The second column explains the method of inspection and the third lists the rejection criteria.

Errors and discrepancies in the law are also dealt with
In recent years, the growing level of incompetence and couldn't-care-less attitude has resulted in an escalation of badly drafted amendments to road traffic law and SANS 10047 has also become alarmingly out of step with developments. The book addresses the disturbing frequency of errors and discrepancies by identifying them wherever they occur.

Numerous roadworthy requirements under the National Road Traffic Act and Regulations which have been erroneously omitted from SANS 10047 are included with a mention that they are missing from the standard.

Dangerous goods vehicles
Although, even the simplest requirements, for vehicles used to transport dangerous goods have yet to be included in SANS 10047, the book remedies this omission with a section devoted to this important aspect. These rudimentary inspections should be an essential part of any roadworthy conducted on a vehicle with a "D" category operator card.

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